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Lightweight Robot Utility Library
▼ amino | Amino include files |
▼ ct | |
state.h | |
traj.h | |
traj_internal.hpp | |
▼ opt | Optimization SUpport |
lp.h | Linear optimization |
opt.h | General optimization routines |
qp.h | Quadratic optimization |
▼ rx | Scene Graph support |
mp_seq.h | |
octree_geom.hpp | |
octree_gl_internal.hpp | |
rx_ct.h | Integration between scene graphs and control |
rxerr.h | Error codes and functions |
rxtype.h | Scenegraph-related type declarations |
scene_collision.h | Collision checking |
scene_dyn.h | Scenegraph dynamics support |
scene_fcl.h | FCL-specific collision checking |
scene_fk.h | Forward kinematics |
scene_geom.h | Geometric objects (shapes and meshes) |
scene_gl.h | OpenGL Support |
scene_gl_octree.h | |
scene_ik.h | Inverse Position Kinematics |
scene_planning.h | Motion Planning |
scene_plugin.h | Dynamically load compiled scene graphs |
scene_sdl.h | SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) support |
scene_sub.h | Sub-scenegraphs |
scene_win.h | SDL/OpenGL window management |
scene_wk.h | Workspace control for scene graphs |
scenegraph.h | The scenegraph data structure |
spnav_button.h | |
wavefront.h | Wavefront OBJ/MTL mesh parser |
▼ tf | |
planar.h | Low-level operations for SE(2), planar orientations and transformations |
planar.hpp | Object types for SE(2) representations |
spatial.h | Low-level operations for SE(3) orientations and transformations |
spatial.hpp | Object types for SE(3) representations |
type.h | Types for transforms |
cblas_order.h | |
clapack.h | |
clapack_impl.h | |
const.h | |
cv.h | |
debug.h | |
def.h | |
diffeq.h | Numerical routines for differential equations |
eigen_compat.hpp | |
endconv.h | Routines to convert numbers to different endian formats |
getset.h | |
heap.h | Simple Heap / Heapsort |
io.h | |
kin.h | |
la.h | Linear algebra routines |
la_impl.h | |
lapack.h | |
lapack_impl.h | |
mangle.h | |
mat.h | Block matrix descriptors and linear algebra operations |
math.h | Numerical routines |
mem.h | Memory Management |
mem.hpp | C++ Memory Management |
plot.h | |
refcount.h | |
rx.h | Include all scene graph headers |
test.h | |
tf.h | Include this file for low-level operations for SE(3) orientations and transformations |
tf.hpp | Include this file for low-level operations for SE(3) orientations and transformations |
time.h | |
type.h | |
undef.h | |
unit.h | |
validate.h | Validation of data |
vec.h | |
▼ python | |
▼ amino | |
__init__.py | |
collision.py | Collision Checking |
defaults.py | Defaults |
kinematics.py | Scene Graphs |
lib.py | |
mat.py | Vectors and Matrices |
mixin.py | |
motionplanning.py | Motion Planning |
scenegraph.py | Scene Graphs |
scenewin.py | Scene Viewer Window |
tf.py | Rotations and Transformations |
util.py | |
util2.py | |
util3.py | |
amino.h | Top-level include file |
amino.hpp |