amino  1.0-beta2
Lightweight Robot Utility Library

Current work in progress.

This tutorial introduces the key concepts and programming abstractions in Amino.

Example code for the tutorials is located in the amino source tree under ./demo/tutorial/.

Please install Amino prior to running the example code in the tutorials.


  1. Linear Algebra
  2. Rotation
  3. Transformation
  4. Scene Graphs
  5. Kinematics
  6. Collision
  7. Motion Planning

Prerequisite Knowledge

This tutorial is aimed at readers with at least an undergraduate junior-level knowledge in computing or engineering. Specifically, the following knowledge is assumed:

  • Basic programming and data structures
  • C and Python programming languages
  • Basic Linear Algebra (vectors and matrices)
  • Calculus-based physics (mechanics)
  • Basic understanding of partial differential equations

Additionally, this tutorial introduces topics in robot mechanics and kinematics. The reader may also find it helpful to read or review additional resources on topics to obtain further mathematical details. References are listed at the end of each tutorial section.